Friday, February 28, 2014

Special Needs Checklist Struggles

I feel so blessed to be able to be a parent. I don’t want my daughter to ever feel like I was the one that rescued her. My boys rescued me. I wanted to be a mom for so long. I yearned for it, prayed for it. For many years I didn’t think it was possible for me to have children and it broke my heart. I felt so called to be a mother and am so thankful to my core every day for the opportunity and the responsibility of raising my children.
I hope that the adoption agency and my friends and family will look at me and see that I am worthy of having another child. I want more children desperately. I am not done. I love my boys to the moon and back and I want to be able to see more children grow up. I want to soothe more, tickle more, laugh more, teach more, hug more. I want to experience it all as much as God allows me to. Whether it be with three or four children (I haven’t allowed my heart or mind to go past that number ;-).
I cannot wait to hold you, my sweet girl. Whatever your special need might be. God, you know. She’s about to be conceived. About to enter into her mother’s womb, and we are waiting. Waiting to apply, waiting to work hard to bring her home. So I wait for answers as I research. Physical deformities, heart defects, cleft lip. So many hard choices. If the boys would have been born with any of them, we would have pushed through. I could not have loved them any less. Please give us wisdom and peace in this process and please help Joe and my mind to be in the same place.
Thank you for the chance to be a mother again. I am confident that you have called me to walk this road, and I pray that I would encourage others in whatever ways I can.

Thoughts on list: 
Something that the child has a very high chance of living a long, happy life. Brain functioning normal! Don’t think we could handle a little girl with a huge physical deformity, such as big facial burn. She will have emotional hurdles to jump over without that.
I was born with special needs and am excited to adopt a child with SN but nervous about which one we will get. So many unknowns. Fine with surgery as long as there is a high chance of success. Would rather avoid lifelong medications if possible. Have a hard time with the issues that says often times it’s seen with disorders of the kidney, heart, lungs, etc. Feels selfish to choose and weird. So many children are waiting. ;-( 

From the heart of Joe

'You do not need to be defeated by anything, can have peace of mind, improved health, and a never-ceasing flow of energy'. - Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God's Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, "Abba, Father."For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God's children.
Romans 8:14-16

Oh Hayley! 

That movie made me cry too. I think God is really speaking to us when we both feel the same way about something so intensely. For a man who rarely cries I have been doing it alot whenever I see these videos. 

When I watched the video, I thought, wow that is kind of cool their family looks like what our heavenly family will look like. (sniffing as I type this). I also thought of how difficult it would be to have that many kids with disabilities. Then I saw the part when the kid from Romania was playing the piano with his feet. Then he started singing and that really got to me because I just saw how human he was and how God loves each of us so much. Then of course he was singing that song that you really like, and I remembering singing that song to Eli as a baby to help put him to sleep at night. 

Chinese New Year

Its Chinese New Year, the most important holiday on the Chinese calendar. I've been thinking about you a lot, sweet Bella. Praying for who your parents might be. It’s a possibility that you will be conceived soon. Your parents may be discussing you right now, planning on having a baby, waiting for the right time. They don’t know now that you will be born with medical conditions that they won't be able to handle. Will they know during pregnancy or when you are born? 
You are wanted, sweet girl. Even know. I yearn for you. Yearn to start the process. I'm ready to start the paperwork and the waiting. It's better than the waiting of nothingness. The waiting without being able to do anything. Please guide us to people who will encourage, strengthen, and help us to wait. Its hard to tell people because the responses are so mixed. And because I am afraid of having to wait so long. Afraid of what it may do to my resolve. But it’s been 15 years. I think I can handle 11 months. I pray for the sale of the condo. I know that that is a huge piece of this puzzle and until that is done we won't be able to start even if we were old enough. Please let it go smoothly. Please help it to sell for a lot. For her.
Should we bring the boys? I want to, but it’s expensive. Guide us, direct us. May we be your hands.

Please direct us to the right organization and to the right special needs. Both are huge decisions that will change everything. I need you, every day. Make me strong, make me yours. I love you. So much. I want to be your vessel, pouring out love to my 3 boys, to Bella one day, to my extended family, and to my friends.
Please give me wisdom to know how to prepare the boys and us culturally. I want them to love Chinese culture and to know a lot about it. 

Once you are here, please give me the words to speak to u about your birth parents and why they let you go. We want u, we love you, we are waiting for you. Imagining what life will be like with you every single day.

I need you more than ever. Please help me to be your patient, strong, loving servant. 

Somewhere between

I want to watch this movie!

2014. Waiting for her...

2014 has begun.
A year of waiting.
For her.
Waiting to get started on a journey I have thought about, prayed about, and sought after for 15 years.
Seeking you, Lord, in this time of waiting.
It already hasn't been easy for me.
I don’t like to wait.
I don’t like not being in control.
I’m afraid.
Afraid we won’t get matched quickly enough.
Afraid there will be problems with the paperwork.
Afraid we will somehow get a special need that is too much for us to handle.
Please take my fear in this long year of waiting.
Hold it, keep it, and turn it into PEACE.
You are my peace and you have called me to do this.
Not doing this would be turning my back on you.
I want to go where you send me.
I want to love the orphan.
I want the chance in this lifetime to love more children.
I want to be a mom to three children.
I desperately yearn for it so much that it feels like 2+ years is an eternity.
I know I have so much to learn.
I know she probably hasn't even been born yet.
So its ok.
This waiting.
Patience will make me stronger.
I am being refined.
Whether I like it or not.
Guide our family to the right agency please.
Guide our family to the right little girl please.
I yearn for her as I yearn for you and your direction in my life on a daily basis.
I love being a mom and I cannot wait to be expecting again.

This time in a very different but equally exciting way. 

The Call to China

I talked with Joe about adoption, and he was almost sure we should adopt from China. I feel almost like we are disobeying if we chose another path. Waiting is so difficult. Comforted by this song at church.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Your perfect love is casting out fear
And even when I'm caught in the middle of the storms of this life
I won't turn back
I know you are near

And I will fear no evil
For my God is with me
And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear?
Whom then shall I fear?

Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me

And I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
A glorious light beyond all compare
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
We'll live to know You here on the earth


Yes, I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
Still I will praise You, still I will praise You


God is faithful. Please walk with us. Show us the way that you have for us. I love you! Thank you for blessing me with such a wonderful husband! 


Have you ever felt like you really need to do something and you really desire that peace that comes when you figure it out? That’s how I’ve felt the last six months regarding adoption. I’ve been thinking and praying about adoption for such a long time. The journey started in Junior high when I learned about the life of Gladys Alyward and how she was passionate about saving the lives of abandoned Chinese girls. I’m a very passionate  person and this cause stuck with me. 
I wanted to be her. 
I wanted my life to count for something great for the kingdom of God. I wanted to save and love and nurture and protect the people that I think are so very close to the heart of God, orphaned kids. I read about it, prayed about it, talked about it, dreamed about it, and so much more. I was able to sponsor orphaned kids in China while I was in high school, college, and the first few years of our marriage. For me, it was one small, tangible step of what I could do to help. I volunteered at Nightlight adoption center. I led three missions trips, one to Romania and two to China, to serve orphans. If I could do anything in my life, I would like to do that. I would like to live my life saving orphans. My dream job has always been to work at an adoption agency. So why did I become a teacher? I don’t know. I love kids and kids everywhere are hurting. Even those from complete, seemingly happy homes and there’s plenty of children coming from broken homes. Maybe one day I will get the chance to work at my dream job.
When I met Joe in 2005, I was amazed to find out that this man who I instantly fell head over heels for also desired to adopt. We weren’t dating or married or infertile or anything. He already had it in his heart the desire to adopt. I was sold. For every other reason as well. ;-) We married young and had 2 boys right away. Money was tight until recently and we didn’t have the resources to consider putting our dreams into reality until now. We love our boys to the moon and back, and we desperately desire to add to our family now that the time seems right through adoption. But I’ve been struggling with it on many levels.
The first is that so many of the children out there seem to be older. They need homes. I’m more than willing to take on the challenges of adopting an older child and maybe that is something we do ten years from now and we have talked about it, but we both agree with the experts who suggest maintaining birth order and our kiddos are so young….Still unsure in my own heart at times though.
Also, I’ve always dreamed of adopting a little girl. I’m struggling with this because after looking more into this it’s apparent that there’s more boys that need to be adopted than girls. I am willing to adopt a boy and love my boys to pieces and do agree that our adopted child may feel more at home with two little boys at home already, but my husband feels strongly about waiting for a girl. I also have said more than once that I would love a little girl eventually which may impact him. I want to do the right thing. I don’t want my preferences and visions for my own life to get in the way but how do I know if these visions are from God or from myself. It seems that it sometimes can take twice as long to adopt a girl and in the case of South Korea which seems like a great program, they don’t even allow requests for little girls.
So with that I’m not sure about the country question. I love China. I have a huge heart for China, am excited to go back, and would like the chance to live there someday even if it’s only for months at a time. I’m definitely consistently drawn to things of Chinese culture. Every time I have the chance to learn more, I want to. When I see a Chinese child or hear a story about one my heart aches. Every time I see a Chinese kiddo I can imagine our family with a Chinese son or daughter. But right now in this anxious state I can’t imagine waiting for another 14 months before we can even start the process. I don’t understand why I feel such urgency right now and my concern is that this urgency is from God and that he specifically wants me to do something with this feeling. A time I remember feeling like this was when I was dating my boyfriend in college and was so anxious about it. I couldn’t stop thinking and mulling over our relationship! I spent a day alone with God and ended the day with a decision to break up with him after almost two years. It felt so clear that God wanted me to do something right then. Usually this feeling of urgency and constant mental stirrings and thinking about something every time I close my eyes usually coincides with necessary action.
I think the bottom line is that I will cause myself to rest in the wait either before we apply or after we receive the referral, etc, but I really want to know first that I’m making the right decision. I can’t imagine living with this particular feeling for over a year! My heart breaks to do something! I’ve been researching and learning and emailing, but that’s it. I don’t know what other actions to take. And maybe God is leading me in another direction right now. What is it? Volunteer, apply, pray, read, make friends with people who have adopted. I don’t know and I feel like I have no one to talk to about it.
I’ve read many stories recently about families who have adopted three, four, five kids, and maybe that will be us. Maybe this is just the beginning. But I kind of don’t think so. My husband is really careful with money, and I want to make sure we make the right decision at least to the best of our abilities.

Dear Lord, please shine a light in the darkness of my mind. What is it you want from me right now regarding adoption? What organization? Which country? Which special needs? Please give your wisdom to me and help me to understand what I should be doing right now. I want to be your clay. I love being a mom more than anything I have ever done. I want to help in any way that I can, and I feel that you have called me. But I honestly hate this feeling of unclear urgency, and it’s been so long. Every time I feel that I have opened a beautiful window of hope, I open it up and find that there’s an obstacle that I don’t feel like I can overcome like waiting for 18 months from referral to picking up our child if we adopt through South Korea.
Most of my thoughts point toward China and CCAI seems like an amazing organization but 14 months! If that’s what you want, please make it clear to me. Please give me peace. Please direct. I want to do your will. Today. I love you.