Friday, May 22, 2015

Update on our Baby Girl

So the adoption has been progressing nicely. We finished the homestudy portion of our adoption and moved on the dossier, which is a process that takes 2-3 months, hopefully. We sent all our paperwork to the State of California so that they can validate that the notary we used for all our documents is an official notary. Once we get all our documents back, which sending them everywhere is nerve wracking because they are all originals!!, we send them to the Chinese consulate, They are then ready to send to China along with our immigration paperwork, which is the last piece of the puzzle. We have already filed for it, and they received it May 11th! ;-)
Eli has been talking about Bella almost every day, which is very endearing to my heart. If the boys are done with a piece of clothing or a book because it is too small for them, he turns to me and says, "Save it, momma!! I know Bella will LOVE it!" He's excited for her to arrive, and every time I am on the computer and he sees a child's face that he doesn't recognize, he says, "Momma, are you searching for Bella." I wish it were that simple, sweet boy. Max is fine with the idea of expanding our family but is adamant that we should consider adopting a boy. He is very happy with his brother and would like another. ;-) We probably will send the dossier to China in early August and then will wait for a match, which could take anywhere from a few weeks to 9 months!!
Thanks for your prayers.

Why I love Essential Oils. After a week of using them. ;-)

Essential oils is something that I have heard a lot about. I was interested to try them, of course, but I couldn't convince myself to make the initial investment. Then Joe got asthmatic bronchitis for weeks and spent hundreds of dollars getting better while taking antibiotics that made him feel awful.
I figured if the oils could help our family not get sick at least one time they were worth it!
I have been using my premium starter kit from Young Living for one week, and I have to say I am way more impressed than I thought I would be.
1. Yesterday my back hurt a lot. I took out the PanAway and rubbed it all over my back. It is like an all-natural BenGay and felt amazing. AND the effects lasted for hours.
2. I give the boys a bath every night so I have started using the diffuser in there to encourage them to breathe in the goodness. It is like a spa every evening, and I have started really looking forward to bath time. I diffuse Thieves to prevent sickness and something to help relax them for bed like Lavender. In the mornings I diffuse something like Joy, Stress Away, or Lemon to get us all going in the morning. ;-) If you like Scentsy or Candles in your home, you will LOVE the diffuser.
3. I have been using the Mint and Lemon Oils daily in my tea, water, or hot chocolate. I am looking forward to baking with them as well! I looked up the benefits of this one essential oil, Lemon, and was amazed! 
Extensive research has been conducted on citrus and lemon fruits and oils. Lemon is one of many essential oils when diffused can eliminate and destroy airborne germs and bacteria extremely effectively. Research conducted by Jean Valnet, M.D., showed that vaporized lemon oil can kill meningococcal bacteria in fifteen minutes, diphtheria in twenty minutes, typhoid in one hour, staphylococcus aureus in two hours, and pneumococcal bacteria in three hours.
In 1995, Komori et al. conducted a study at Mie University in Japan and found that citrus fragrance boosted immunity, induced relaxation, and reduced depression. Research also found that when lemon essential oil was diffused during test taking students were found to make 54 percent less errors and scores increased by as much as 50 percent.
Lemon Oil is rich in limonene (d-limonene) a chemical that has been studied on animals to show that it protects against pancreatic, stomach, colon, skin, and liver cancers.
4. There are oils to help with Respiratory sickness, get rid of lice, clean your floors, soothe burns, calm an upset tummy and so much more. I put a drop of Stress Away or Joy (two more oils that come with the kit that smell absolutely amazing!) when I leave the house with my two energetic boys, and I smell it throughout the day. It calms my brain and makes me smile. ;-) 
5. We got a small diffuser for Joe's office, which is portable and can't spill so it's great for the car. I bought him RC which is specifically for respiratory issues. He's diffusing it every day to hopefully help him get less colds. He has allergies and has had a hard time lately. 
I have so very much to learn! There are so many ways to use them, but I am all for saving money and using all natural products that help the body heal itself! I am almost 30, yikes!! And I am sure my body will appreciate the extra goodness. ;-) Hopefully we can cut down on our germs for the rest of the year! 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sowing and Reaping

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. Whatever one sows, that will he also reap. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up. Gal. 6.7,9

As I thought about Mother’s Day this past week, I kept coming back to this principle. Producing a harvest takes time. Every farmer knows this well. We prepare the ground, plant the seeds, water the seeds, pull the weeds, and wait. This is not unlike raising a child. Nothing is immediate. Developing a single principle in the life of a child could take days, months, or years. Developing  others centeredness, perseverance, a good work ethic, the desire to wear shoes ;-), and on and on is a long process, and it can seem at times as a mom that we are sowing and sowing with no visible result. Why does my child not change? Why are my efforts not working? However, the Bible promises that “in due season we will reap if we do not give up.” This encourages me and our pastor thought so as well since it was the message at this week’s service, which felt like a hug from God saying, “I see you. Your efforts of developing the hearts and minds of your kids are not in vain.” Don’t. Give. Up.

And my heart goes out to parents who were faithful. Sowing truths, consistently living as an example to their children, and then their children turned and walked a different way. Pray that your children’s hearts will be fertile soil for the messages that you pour into them. There are so many things in this life to distract, to choke, and to wither a growing plant. Parenting is not easy.

Matthew 13 “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear.”