Friday, March 27, 2015

Easter Activities Take 1 ;-)

First we made Easter paintings with Easter egg halfs and some glitter. A hit!!

Next we made crosses with our fingerprints and talked about how everyone is unique. .;-) 

We made fizzy Ice Chalk next. I put little creatures in muffin tins, mixed cornstarch, baking soda, water, and color and freezed them! The boys had fun playing! 

Next we made melted crayon rocks. Pick out some rocks and then bake them at 350 degrees for 10 min. Then set a crayon on the warm rocks and enjoy the beautiful creation. The boys were too excited that their rocks were hot to paint much!! 

We made bouncy eggs by soaking eggs in vinegar. The shell was eaten away and you could bounce it!! Pretty cool but would have been much better with white vinegar. LOL ;-) 

We made resurrection rolls today and talked a lot about Jesus and the story of Easter dying and rising from the dead! The boys were so interested. You dip marshmallows in cinnamon, roll them in a crescent roll, and bake. Just like Jesus's body was wrapped in spices and laid in a tomb. When you open the baked rolls to eat them, the marshmallows are gone. Just like Jesus was no longer in the tomb! 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


I have exciting news!!! This week has been a breath of sunshine to our hearts.

We finished all the documents for our homestudy! It was the best feeling to scan and email those last few pages. We also have finished almost all of the dossier documents as well, except of course the written homestudy and the certificating and authenticating. After weeks of pausing I am ready to hit the ground running and bring us closer to seeing our little girl next year.

Exciting news #2 Max is potty trained!! After working for weeks at home and talking and bribing and studying him, he is doing super fantastic! He has been in underwear only all week and has had so few accidents I can remember each one. ;-) Yeah for big boys!

Also, Max's room has been completely redone. He had a plumbing leak in his ceiling which destroyed his entire room. He got a new ceiling, dry wall, paint, carpet, and more!! Woo hoo!!



We also took a family trip to beautiful Big Bear this weekend. So very refreshing to get away. The boys were nonstop balls of motion, and we had a great time. ;-)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me.

We may or may not be Irish so we kept it low key this year. I was pumped to make leprechaun traps and kept talking about it, but boys said they wanted me to make it by myself so I opted not to. ;-) Instead, I threw two pieces of candy in the yard and some glitter and said that a leprechaun had passed by. ;-) 

We painted Rainbow pictures with spot paints, rainbow straw pics, and some four leaf clevers. I also printed out these cute trinity books to read. ;-) We went to a green lunch playdate yesterday too.

Happy St. Patty's!! 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Follow me

“Worry not that your child listens to you; worry most that they watch you.” Ronald A Heifetz

 I am the opposite of a procrastinator. I prepare and plan and imagine what will happen before it does and most of the time I am pleasantly surprised that things worked out better than I had hoped. I have been thinking a lot about my children lately. What can I do today that will help them be the person that God and myself want them to be tomorrow? How can I prepare them for the disappointments, the struggles, the blessings, and the uncertainties that they will meet in life? How can I teach them to walk forward with kind words, to not judge others, to listen to those in authority, and so much more?

Being a parent is so hard. I live with my heart walking around outside of my body, not only because I love them so much and never want anything unfortunate to happen to them, but also because I spend all of my energy and all of my time pouring myself into them. Everything I have learned, everything that I am, everything that is important to me I try to impart to them, and it is heartbreaking in a way that only a parent knows when your child chooses to abandon what you have taught them when you take them into the big, wide world. I always hold my breath. Will they listen to me like we have practiced every day for the past five years? Will they respond to the Sunday school teacher in obedience? Will they answer the checkout lady with kindness when she asks them their name?

I want so much for my children, and I was talking to Joe the other day, and he mentioned that we needed to teach them something or other about money management, and I shook my head even though, of course, it has its place in time. My heart is definitely centered during these tender years on their characters. I want them to be kind in their words and actions, to love God and his Word, to be obedient to authority, to appreciate cultural diversity, and to love learning.

And for me it goes a little deeper. My mom works at a school for kids with special needs and has since I was young. I grew up spending time, especially during the summer, with kids with Down syndrome, Blindness, missing limbs, autism, and more. Eli’s biggest struggle recently has been kind words when he is upset at someone. He has come so far in so many areas, and I am so thankful, but this recent hurdle is hard. I want my children to be an example to their peers about kindness to those who struggle: the lonely, the hurting, those who are different. I want them to show the world that everyone is worthy of love, and I pray that I am an example to them in this. We will be going to China next year to welcome our own daughter with a special need. They will be her big brother, and I want them to help teach others why she and all others who have been given challenges are worthy of people’s time, attention, and love. Not only for Bella but for all those like her. I need wisdom to place this foundation.

There are so many things we can choose to teach our children. How to throw a ball, how to draw a bird, how to speak in another language, how to love others. I pray that I am making the most of these years where they soak up the things I say and do because as Max likes to say right now he “loves me so much he will never let me go.”

Friday, March 6, 2015

O, P, Q, R, S, T, and U Bible Crafts

For O we studied Obey. We learned the song, "Trust and Obey" and read the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments. We made shaving cream paintings, which was a hit and so beautiful. You spray shaving cream on a pan, drop in some food coloring, stir with a stick, push your paper on it, and then slide shaving cream off. 
For P we studied prayer. I cut out the Lord's Prayer, talked about the hands of prayer which is a method that teaches things to pray for, and made Popsicle stick frames. We painted on them, and I hung them on the boys' doors. 
For Q we made marble paintings, which Eli loved and made a ton of. I had printed the verse, "Many waters cannot quench love, Nor will rivers overflow it." Song of Solomon 8:7 We glued the verse on the middle of our works of art. 
For the letter R, we read the story of Jesus's Resurrection from the Bible, and then made toilet paper characters of Mary and Jesus. They enjoyed cutting them out, but I did most of the coloring. ;-) 
The letter S was about Savior so we read the story of Jesus's death from the Bible. Then we painted clouds on paper with cotton balls and then glued on Jesus on the cross. 
The boys were getting a little tired of crafts so for the letter T, I hid treasures in Easter eggs and hid them all over the house. We did the hunt several times. I did a Biblical word search on treasure and read them the relevant verses, such as "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" from Matthew 6:21. 
For the letter U we watched a few Biblicaly based Youtube videos on Creation, which the boys loved! Here is a great one: Then we went star watching when it got dark. 

And if you are a prayer warrior, please pray that we will get our notarized medical checkups finished soon! We have all of our Homestudy paperwork completed but are experiencing hiccups with these last two forms! I am ready to have our social worker visit and keep moving forward.