Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thick As Thieves

Have you ever lathered hand sanitizer all over your hands before digging into a delicious meal to find that your sandwich tastes a lot more like cleaning solution than turkey? The problem with traditional hand sanitizers is that they are made of chemicals that are absorbed into your body through your skin. The wonderful thing about using Thieves essential oil as a hand sanitizer, germ extinguisher, and sickness evaporator is that it is all-natural. The same spray bottle of Thieves oil and water that I use to disinfect my hands is the same bottle I spritz into my mouth several times a day when I feel like I am coming down with something.
There’s a lot of interesting studies on how well Thieves kills bacteria. This one is very lengthy and worth looking at if you like science.

I use Thieves:
1.   To clean my home. I put a drop of Thieves oil and a drop of Tea Tree Oil for every ounce of water in a spray bottle and use it disinfect and clean the house.  Unlike chemical cleaning products, inhaling it while you clean can help support your immune system. Plus you are not exposing yourself or family to dangerous chemicals.
2.   Diffusing it, especially when one of us is sick or we were around people who were sick that day. Inhaling diffused Thieves Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil can support the lungs, aid the immune system, and give support to sinuses. It also freshens the air and naturally eliminates odors.
3.   Applying it directly to the skin. The bottom of the feet is a highly effective place to use the oils due to the large pores there. They are absorbed here easily and quickly. Always dilute the oils when applying them to young children.
4.   Ingesting Thieves. I think the spicy flavor is delicious, but if you are not a fan, you can put it into a capsule and take it that way.

I was fascinated when I heard where the name of the oil came from. I read that there are seventeen versions of the story, but all of them are similar and agree that the blend of oils used in the Thieves oil blend is a powerful agent against sickness!!
The most famous or popular story is about a group of spice traders who turned into thieves after an outbreak of the highly contagious and deadly Black Plague. It is reputed that the "four thieves" were protected from these highly virulent germs as they robbed the bodies, even going into the homes, of dead and dying plague victims.
During the course of their plundering, and grave robbing, four of the thieves were caught by the king’s men. Standing before the king, the four thieves disclosed the secret of their immunity, their secret recipe, in exchange for a more lenient sentence. After learning the four thieves secret formula, the king had the thieves oil recipe posted throughout the city.

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