Monday, June 1, 2015

I love Peppermint. Let me count the ways! ;-)

“Peppermint has an invigorating and fresh mint aroma. This amazing and versatile essential oil has been widely studied for its potential health benefits and for its ability to enhance mental acuity. It is also known for its impressive support of digestive functions.”
-Young Living

Peppermint is one of my favorite new oils. Some of the ways I have used it so far:

1. Mix 2 drops or lemon and peppermint in your water to drink each morning. Tastes delicious and gives you a natural metabolism boost as well as cleansing your body of toxins. Use glass if you are going to take longer than an hour to drink because the oils are very potent!

2. Put 2 drops in an entire bottle of half and half. I buy the kind from the store that has only 2 ingredients.  Delicious coffee creamer and peppermint hot cocoa maker! Plus, it helps digestion meaning that drinking coffee hasn't been upsetting my tummy!! 

3. Put 1 drop in a cup of hot water with honey for an upset tummy or just a soothing, low calorie, uplifting, caffeine-free evening drink. ;-) 

4. Put one drop on the roof of your mouth for headaches. Doesn't take mine completely away but tastes and feels awesome and definitely soothes the pain and is all natural! 

5. Mix 1 drop to every 10 drops of a carrier oil, such as jojoba oil. Rub up and down your spine and on the bottoms of your feet for a fever. Max had a fever one evening, and this worked great. Peppermint has cooling properties.

6. Diffuse 2 drops of peppermint and 2 drops of lemon or Citrus Fresh oil in the morning for an invigorating morning pick me up! You will look forward to getting out of bed because it smells so amazing. ;-)

7. My boys love chocolate ice cream. I put 1 drop in a bowl of ice cream, and it tastes so much more exciting and helps the milk not upset my tummy. ;-)

8. Put one drop in your palm and breath in deeply. Ahhh!!!! Our just open the bottle and breath. Instant pick me up and is supposed to improve mental clarity. I keep a tiny bottle with me and it curbs cravings for sugar when I am tired. Yes I can run around the park a few more times!! ;-)

8. Plan to cook with it next. Dark chocolate, peppermint brownies anyone??!!

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