We finished all the documents for our homestudy! It was the best feeling to scan and email those last few pages. We also have finished almost all of the dossier documents as well, except of course the written homestudy and the certificating and authenticating. After weeks of pausing I am ready to hit the ground running and bring us closer to seeing our little girl next year.
Exciting news #2 Max is potty trained!! After working for weeks at home and talking and bribing and studying him, he is doing super fantastic! He has been in underwear only all week and has had so few accidents I can remember each one. ;-) Yeah for big boys!
Also, Max's room has been completely redone. He had a plumbing leak in his ceiling which destroyed his entire room. He got a new ceiling, dry wall, paint, carpet, and more!! Woo hoo!!


We also took a family trip to beautiful Big Bear this weekend. So very refreshing to get away. The boys were nonstop balls of motion, and we had a great time. ;-)
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