Friday, September 18, 2015

Adventures with a half empty jogging stroller. Part 2. Hiking Orange County.

So it's been hot. Which makes it a little harder to get out and hike, but we did enjoy two awesome hikes lately. We got to do them both with Eli, which was fun! 
#1. The first was O'neill Regional Park hike. In order to get to this one you drive to Alicia till it ends and turn right on Rancho Santa Margarita. Turn left on Avenida de las Flores and left on Via Con Dios. Take this road around until you see the fence for the park on your left. There will be a small opening. Park on this street and head inside. This park is huge so there's an endless amount of land to explore. We like heading down the hill towards the nice playground. There's also a beautiful shady, grassy area on the way for picnics. We caught a praying mantis while we were there which was the highlight. Last time it was a lizard. ;-) 

#2. The next hike is one we will be doing a lot this year. It is called the Aliso Creek Trail, and a great way to get to it is to park at Grace Christian School. From there take the sidewalk for a few feet toward the creek until you see the trail. We took it as far as it went, and it was a really peaceful trail with a storm drain creek on your left. We went the day of the rains so it was really flowing. ;-) 

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